Ceviche: the national dish of Peru




Hearty dishes


Ceviche originally comes from Peru, where it is prepared fresh every day. This delicious dish can now be found all over South America and in many different variations. Originally, raw fish (cod, turbot, sea bass, pikeperch) is marinated and cooked in lime juice and "Leche de Tigre" (tiger milk). The citric acid from the lime denatures the protein, which cooks the raw fish. In my recipe, I used fresh red snapper and fried it very briefly in the pan. This way, the red snapper is lightly roasted on the outside and gives the dish a special touch. We ate the ceviche without any side dish, as the protein-rich fish makes it very filling. If you want to serve it traditionally like in Peru, you can serve it with sweet potatoes and roasted corn😊

Preparation time
10 minutes
Cooking time
10 minutes
2-3 servings


  • 400g red snapper (alternatively fresh cod or wild salmon)
  • 5 red onions
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 limes
  • 1 bunch of fresh coriander
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 chili pepper (optional)
  • salt and pepper

This is how it's done

  1. Peel the onions and chop them very finely. Wash the cucumber and also cut it into small cubes. Wash the coriander and the chili pepper and chop them finely. Put everything in a large bowl.
  2. Season the vegetables with the juice of 2 limes, olive oil, salt and pepper and mix well.
  3. Rinse the red snapper with cold water and pat dry with kitchen paper. Fry the fresh fish in a pan with a little oil on both sides for about 4 minutes. It should still be nice and translucent on the inside.
  4. Add the fried red snapper to the other ingredients in the bowl and mix well (the red snapper should fall into small pieces). Squeeze the juice from the last lime and season to taste.
  5. Arrange everything on deep plates and garnish with some coriander.