This recipe is really super simple, requires just a few ingredients and is prepared in a flash. The main ingredient that definitely makes this burger a highlight is jackfruit - the fruit of the jackfruit tree, which is native to South and Southeast Asia. For me personally, jackfruit is a great meat substitute and brings a nice change to vegan cuisine. As the fruit is relatively tasteless, it is incredibly versatile. It can also be used to prepare wonderful curry, chili sin carne or goulash dishes😊And it also scores highly in terms of valuable nutrients! It is rich in fiber, vitamin C and A and contains antioxidants, zinc, iron and potassium. The burger is therefore not only juicy and delicious, but also super healthy and filling! Are you in the mood? Then have fun trying it out and en Guete😊!!!
Cocktail sauce
--> You are also welcome to use other toppings - e.g. tomatoes, rocket, vegan camembert, kale, cucumber.