In spring, the body slowly awakens from its "mini-hibernation" and hormonal changes occur. To give the body the best possible support for its spring awakening, light meals with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables should be on the menu. These spring breads are perfect as a light meal, quick to prepare and a real taste explosion with the fresh wild garlic spread! I used a moist, gluten-free pumpkin seed bread as the base. You can find the recipe on freiknuspern.de - a great blog by the lovely Fabienne, who also creates lots of allergy-friendly recipes😊 I hope you enjoy trying it out and that you like my spring creation. And if you would like to find out more about "the right diet in spring", I recommend my latest blog post on: Spring fatigue - start spring actively with these 5 tips. Sunny greetings, yours Nicole☀️
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