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Energy through nutrition
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Energy through nutrition




Alimonia / Nicole

Energy drinks, power bars and the like are very popular and are available everywhere these days - in supermarkets as well as in numerous cafés and fitness centers. Brands diligently advertise their products on social media, enticing consumers to buy them with promising slogans and appealing designs. According to the latest studies, an average of 66 liters of soft drinks were consumed per capita in Switzerland in 2022. That's two liters more than in the previous year. This fact clearly shows how attractive power drinks are. But do energy drinks and power bars really fulfill the promise of providing more energy in everyday life that they advertise? What does the list of ingredients of such products look like and does the composition have an impact on health? Find out in this article what effect energy drinks, power bars and the like have on your body and which power packs will help you get through the day with plenty of energy.

Store-bought energy drinks and power shakes really do provide quick energy and are real stimulants. For morning grouches, these drinks can work wonders to start the day full of energy. Power shakes can also be useful before and during sport and provide the necessary energy for training. However, they also have numerous disadvantages in that they often have a very high sugar content and are enriched with sweeteners and artificial additives. These ingredients promote cravings, especially for sweets, and cause high blood sugar spikes, which in turn promote metabolic diseases such as diabetes. In addition, these drinks only provide a short-term energy boost, followed by a crash into an energy low, with the body once again craving more energy.

These negative effects can easily be avoided by choosing healthy alternatives. One example of this is a freshly prepared smoothie with a high vegetable content and a lower fruit content. Such a smoothie, enriched with fresh ginger and lemon, is a real energy booster and also contains valuable vital substances.

Japanese matcha tea, green tea and a strong gingershot are also ideal sources of energy and dispel any morning tiredness. Matcha tea also contains around five times more caffeine than coffee, works for several hours and does not cause side effects such as tremors, palpitations and nausea as can be the case with coffee consumption.

Coconut water is an excellent sports drink as it contains electrolytes and provides the body with important vitamins and minerals. Be careful when buying - be sure to check the sugar content, as some coconut waters are supplemented with sugar or sweeteners. Lassis are also popular with athletes. These refreshing drinks provide plenty of energy, ensure long-lasting satiety and have a high protein content as they are enriched with skyr, quark or yoghurt. Lassis also contain numerous good bacteria, which are essential for healthy intestinal flora and keep digestion going at the same time.

Gingershot for an energetic start

Of course, it's not just juices, smoothies and shakes that provide energy for the day. The right foods also provide the body with energy and important nutrients. A healthy and varied breakfast is therefore essential for a power start. Carbohydrates from wholegrain cereals such as oatmeal or wholegrain bread are ideal for this, as they provide the body with quickly available energy. If these carbohydrates are combined with high-quality proteins, healthy fats and vitamins, the body is supplied with the full spectrum of necessary nutrients and long-lasting satiety is guaranteed. It also prevents hunger pangs before lunch and the need to reach for unhealthy snacks.

Healthy pick-me-ups: avocado toast, bircher muesli and porridge

Some foods are particularly effective sources of energy. You can see which power packs are included in the following overview.

The top 8 energy-giving foods

The top 8 energy-giving foods

In summary, it can be said that a healthy, varied and balanced diet can certainly help to increase energy levels. The choice of food and its quality are particularly important: natural, regional & seasonal and certified organic. It is also advisable to always take a look at the ingredients list to identify hidden sugar bombs and highly processed foods. As a general rule, the longer the list of ingredients, the more processed the product is. Store-bought bars, powerballs and juices in particular often have a long list of ingredients. It is advisable to prepare these energy-rich snacks yourself - that way you always know what's in them and they taste much better anyway!

For a little inspiration, here is a delicious recipe for healthy muesli bars

Healthy muesli bars to make yourself - vegan and gluten-free

Do you have any questions on this topic or do you need support with your diet? Feel free to write me a message or call me directly.

I look forward to accompanying you on your nutritional journey.

Your Nicole

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