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Acid-base balance: the most important facts at a glance
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Acid-base balance: the most important facts at a glance





What central role does the acid-base balance play in our body? Is it really possible to become over-acidic? And what effects does this have on our health? These exciting questions are all answered in the following blog post. You will also find lots of helpful tips and tricks for everyday life on how to keep your acid-base balance in balance.

The acid-base balance

Acids and bases are metabolic end products that are formed during the digestion of food. Both contain important nutrients for the body. The balance of acids and bases is crucial for our health. Ideally, 80 percent of the food we eat should consist of alkaline-forming foods and only 20 percent of acid-forming foods.

The acid-base balance is one of the central regulatory mechanisms of our body. It is made up of various buffer systems and ensures that the body can specifically regulate fluctuations in the pH value in order to maintain healthy bodily functions.


The following applies:

Values below pH 7 = acidic

Values above pH 7 = alkaline

Neutral point = pH 7 (e.g. pure, mineral-free water)


Every organ and every body fluid such as blood, lymph and digestive juices has an individual composition of minerals, vitamins, hormones and storage substances. Only in this way can the organ-specific tasks such as oxygen transport, digestion or storage be fulfilled. This individual composition of substances results in a typical pH value.

The following pH values are found in people with a balanced acid-base balance:

In saliva: pH value of 6.8 to 7.5

In the stomach: pH value between 1 and 2

The bile: pH value of 7.5 to 8.5

Healthy blood: pH value of 7.35 to 7.45 (slightly alkaline)


Acids can make you ill

A healthy organism has an acid-base regulation system that ensures that all bodily functions can run smoothly via the kidneys, skin, connective tissue, stomach, intestines and buffer systems. If the reserves are attacked due to a long-lasting imbalance in the acid-base balance, the first foundation stone is laid for the gradual onset of chronic acidosis.

The slow onset of acidosis does not immediately lead to symptoms, but can significantly impair quality of life. At the beginning, it is rather unspecific symptoms that have a negative impact on well-being. Later on, mood disorders and illnesses such as these can occur:

  • Loss of vitality, fatigue, tiredness, sleep disorders
  • Depressive mood, bad mood, anxiety
  • Susceptibility to infections, general weakness of the immune system
  • Allergies, skin irritations, eczema, skin impurities
  • Digestive disorders, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones and kidney stones
  • Joint pain, rheumatic diseases, arthrosis, osteoporosis
  • Headaches, inflammation
  • Metabolic disorders such as type II diabetes
  • Hormonal disorders


Important: Acids in the body do not cause illness per se. However, the body does develop problems if the optimum ratio is changed in the long term - i.e. a long-lasting, predominantly acidic diet in combination with very little exercise and a lot of stress.

In a healthy person with a balanced lifestyle, the metabolism can process all the food consumed. It is important to always give the body "rest periods" - an alkaline day, or even better an alkaline week, is such a rest period.


What also influences the acid-base balance

The acid-base balance is significantly influenced by diet. However, there are factors that affect it. Stress, lack of exercise, lack of sleep and a pessimistic attitude play a major role in the development of chronic acidosis. And let's not forget hereditary factors. Some people can overexploit their bodies for years without falling ill. Others, on the other hand, have to pay for even the smallest sin immediately. Ultimately, it depends on the state of the metabolism how well an organism reacts to disruptive events such as, for example, a permanently excessive consumption of coffee.

Acidifiers - highly acidic foods

The following list gives you an overview of the most commonly consumed acidifiers:

  • All types of meat (pork, veal, beef, game, poultry)
  • All sausages and hams as well as meat broths
  • All fish and shellfish
  • Dairy products such as quark, yogurt, kefir, whey, all types of cheese (including cream cheese) and low-fat dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Mustard, vinegar
  • Pulses such as lentils, beans and chickpeas
  • Soybeans
  • Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, artichokes
  • All nuts - except almonds, walnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts and cedar nuts
  • Sugar and all sweets, whether made with factory sugar, cane sugar or honey
  • Ice cream (also water, yogurt and soy ice cream)
  • White flour products and gray bread rolls made from rye extract flour
  • All pasta (corn, spelt, kamut, millet, rice and soy pasta)
  • Hulled and polished cereals and polished rice
  • All whole grain products, regardless of the grain
  • Hardened, refined fats and oils
  • Margarine
  • Finished products containing sugar, vinegar, dairy products, meat, cereals or fish
  • Bean coffee, decaffeinated coffee, instant coffee, grain coffee
  • Black tea, green tea, fruit tea, iced tea and sweetened teas
  • Carbonated drinks (including mineral water)
  • Soft drinks such as lemonade & cola
  • Alcoholic beverages

This list shows that many foods that are considered "healthy" are listed among the acidifiers. For example, cereal products, especially those made from whole grains, are definitely part of a healthy and balanced diet. Animal products are also not to be condemned in principle. Only during the alkaline fasting period (7-10 days) must the above-mentioned acidifiers be strictly avoided. This is because alkaline fasting is about eating only plant-based foods that form bases in the body so that the body can break down accumulated acids.

Acid generator with good sides

Some acidifiers have positive things to offer - for example, valuable vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances. Soy products, for example, have a slight acidic effect but contain highly concentrated vegetable protein.

The following foods are weak acid formers and can be eaten with an alkaline surplus diet. They are only taboo during the alkaline fasting period (7-10 days).

  • Organic whole grain cereals (preferably sprouted varieties, e.g. sprouted rolled oats)
  • Cereal products such as bulgur, couscous, millet and barley
  • Pseudocereals such as quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat
  • Legumes such as lentils, beans, peas, peanuts and chickpeas
  • Soy products such as tofu, miso, soy flour, soy milk, tempeh, etc.
  • Organic animal products in small quantities (butter, raw milk, cream, egg yolk)
  • Green tea / Matcha / Rooibos tea / Mate tea
  • Vinegar
  • Cocoa
  • Nuts
  • Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, artichoke

Alkalizers - Overview of alkaline foods

The foods listed below are alkalizing or, like the oils, are metabolized neutrally. They are therefore also permitted for the alkaline fasting cure. In order to keep the acid-base balance permanently in equilibrium, as many of these products as possible should be included in the daily diet.

Alkaline foods - all types of fruit and dried fruit

Alkaline foods - vegetables, cold-pressed vegetable oils, nuts and seeds

💡Important: Always buy ripe fruit and vegetables. If these foods are unripe, they cannot form bases in the body. In addition, eating unripe vegetables means that they cannot be digested well. This puts additional strain on the intestines, which can result in bloating, pain and poorer digestion of food.


Keeping your acid-base balance - simple tips and tricks

The acid load comes mainly from the protein content of the food. Animal protein is more acidic than vegetable protein. Nevertheless, proteins should not be eliminated as they are essential for the body. Rather, the acid load must be compensated by sufficient bases. It is always best to combine an acid-forming protein source with alkaline-forming foods. 


1 large portion of vegetables as the main ingredient combined with vegetable proteins such as lentils, quinoa, potatoes, sprouted buckwheat or nuts


💡Note: Sprouting makes protein sources more alkaline. Sprouted grains, sprouted pulses and sprouts are also much more nutritious!


These protein-rich foods can meet your needs without putting a strain on your acid-base balance:

  • Legumes such as lentils, beans, chickpeas, lupins, peanuts
  • Cereals and pseudocereals such as spelt, oats, einkorn, barley, green spelt, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, millet, brown millet
  • Nuts, kernels and seeds


Alkaline surplus diet - quinoa bowl with vegetables, avocado and cedar nuts

Tips on how you can easily boost meals to alkaline

  • Top savory dishes with suitable herbs, roasted nuts or tigernut flakes, dried fruit and vegetable potato chips.
  • Garnish sweets with grated coconut, chopped banana chips, dark chocolate, cocoa and dried fruit.
  • Use sprouted grains for the muesli and refine with alkaline nuts, seeds and fruit.
  • Use coconut milk, soy milk or unsweetened almond drink.
  • Instead of wheat or light-colored spelt spaghetti, use whole grain spelt pasta, chickpea pasta, red lentil pasta or buckwheat pasta.
  • Replace pasta as a side dish with potatoes and vegetable/vegetable noodles.
  • Instead of wheat flour, use chestnut flour, oat flour, ground almonds, lentil or chickpea flour.


Alkaline muesli with nuts, seeds, coconut flakes, cocoa nibs and berries

The most important tips summarized briefly and concisely

  • Eat your meals regularly every day and take your time
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly
  • Drink 2 to 3 liters of water or herbal tea daily
  • Only eat ripe fruit and vegetables - seasonal and regional
  • Only eat raw food until 14:00 - after this time raw food is very poorly digested
  • Prefer sprouted grains - available in health food stores, Alnatura, drugstores
  • Prefer healthy sweeteners - dried fruit, fruit or stevia / xylitol (sweeteners) -> e.g. banana with nut butter, date filled with almond butter
  • Follow the 80:20 rule: Acidifiers become the "side dish" -> vegetables as the main ingredient (80%) combined with e.g. quinoa, soy products, whole grains (20%) as well as nuts, seeds and fresh herbs
  • Alkaline baths for good support for deacidification (1-2x per week)
  • Exercise daily - at least 45 minutes per day
  • Regular recovery periods, including at the workplace
  • Reduce stress - e.g. with yoga, meditation, wellness

Alkaline surplus diet - Sweet potato sandwich with guagamole and cedar nuts (gluten-free & vegan)

I hope you have gained valuable new insights from this article and now know which foods you can use to optimally balance your acid-base balance and prevent acidosis.

Do you have any questions or need professional support with your diet? Feel free to write me a message or call me directly.

I would be happy to offer you a personal consultation based entirely on your wishes, needs and potential.

I look forward to getting to know you and wish you a wonderful, energetic time!

Sincerely, your Nicole

Certified nutritional therapist - Nicole Pfister / Alimonia

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