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Tigernuts - the versatile, healthy power tubers rich in vital nutrients!
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Tigernuts - the versatile, healthy power tubers rich in vital nutrients!





In some southern countries, such as Spain or Mexico, tigernuts have long been an integral part of the diet and are used in a variety of ways. Here in Europe, this small tuber tends to raise questions and is still considered a real insider tip. Yet it has a lot to offer - it is very high in fiber, healthy, filling, has a slightly nutty taste and is particularly suitable for anyone who has to avoid gluten and nuts. In this blog post, you can find out what makes the power tuber a real superfood and why it deserves the name "all-rounder" in the kitchen.

Facts and interesting facts about the tiger nut

Tigernuts, also known as chufa nuts, originally come from Africa and the Arabic-speaking world and eventually found their way to Spain, where they are still grown in large numbers today, particularly in the Valencia region. There they are primarily used to make the refreshing drink "Horchata de Chufa", which consists of soaked tigernuts, water and a lot of sugar.

The name is slightly misleading - because despite its nutty, almond-like and sweet aroma, it neither belongs to the nut tree family nor is it related to the almond - a stone fruit. The pea-sized, brown nodules grow from a plant (Cyperusesculentus) that belongs to the sour grass family and can be found in black, yellow and brown varieties. The yellow tiger nut is the queen, as it is larger, more attractive in color and richer in vital substances than its black and brown comrades.

Roasted tigernuts - a tasty and healthy snack

These nutrients and vital substances are found in the power tuber

Although tigernut flakes are not yet one of the well-known superfoods such as chia seeds, goji berries and the like, in my opinion they still deserve a permanent place at the top of the list of superfoods. They are full of valuable ingredients such as unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Thanks to their high-quality protein, they can be particularly interesting for a vegan diet. To give you an even better introduction to the super tuber, I'll talk about its inner values below.

Dietary fiber

Tigernuts contain a high proportion of dietary fiber, which is extremely important for our intestinal flora. They cleanse our body, stimulate digestion, nourish our good intestinal bacteria and thus keep the intestines running smoothly. Especially if you are prone to constipation, 1-2 tablespoons of tigernut flakes per day can work wonders (see below for areas of use in the kitchen). It is important to always drink enough, as fiber binds a lot of liquid. Other positive effects are their cleansing effect and their ability to bind toxins in the intestines, which speeds up elimination. This is because deposits on the intestinal mucosa prevent the absorption of nutrients, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies, among other things.

Dietary fiber also ensures long-lasting satiety and prevents high blood sugar fluctuations that lead to cravings. As a result, tigernut flakes can be a valuable supplement for people with diabetes and can be integrated perfectly into the diet - e.g. with a delicious tigernut porridge for breakfast.

Important fatty acids

Fat is an essential nutrient, is one of the most important sources of energy and is a fundamental building block for various hormones and tissues. In addition, fats are needed for the formation of cell membranes, satisfy hunger through prolonged satiety and make nutrients from food more readily available or absorbable. They therefore improve the availability and absorption of almost all vitamins and minerals.

By taking tiger nuts, you support all these processes in the body, as this root tuber contains saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Vital substances

This power tuber not only scores with its fatty acid profile, but also with its wealth of minerals and vitamins. It contains high amounts of potassium, which is important for the normal functioning of cells, nerves, heart and muscles. Tigernuts are also rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and biotin. In addition to these minerals, it provides vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant (protects against oxidative stress). It catches free radicals and thus protects the cell. Tigernuts also contain secondary plant substances such as rutin, which also protect against free radicals.

Health benefits - 6 healing properties of tiger nuts‍

The valuable ingredients of tigernuts not only support health in a positive way, but can also have a healing effect on some diseases. As part of their study, researchers from the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology in Nigeria characterized the superfood as aphrodisiac, diuretic, hemostatic, stimulating and invigorating . That describes the tigernut quite well, but as you can read below, it has a lot more to offer.

Power food for the brain

With the right diet, we not only stay physically active and vital for a long time, but can also keep our brain young and fit. It is important for brain performance to get enough omega-3 fatty acids and to consume plenty of fresh vegetables, nuts and as little industrially processed sugar and fast food as possible. As tigernuts contain valuable vital substances and essential fatty acids, they support cognitive performance and promote concentration. The tuber can also have a positive effect on frequent headaches and ensures better sleep. The potassium, magnesium and biotin contained in tigernuts strengthen and fortify our nerves in stressful times and can alleviate mood swings.


Nutritious alternative for allergy sufferers

People with nut allergies often find it difficult to find nut-free foods, as nuts are used in all kinds of ready-made products and desserts and many dishes in restaurants are also enhanced with nuts. The tuber, which botanically belongs to the sour grass family and has no connection with nuts, is therefore a real enrichment for all allergy sufferers. It is also gluten-free!

With their nutty aroma, recipes with ground almonds or hazelnuts can easily be replaced with tigernuts - without any loss of flavor. Tigernuts are also delicious roasted or sweetened as a snack and can be used to refine salad dressings in the form of tigernut oil.


For a healthy, young cardiovascular system

The monounsaturated fatty acids contained in tiger nuts can improve cholesterol levels by increasing the "good" HDL, which is responsible for the removal of excess cholesterol, and reducing the ratio of "bad" LDL cholesterol. In addition, fats and bile acids in the intestine are bound by the tigernuts and removed more quickly. This means that the liver has to produce bile acid more quickly. To do this, the liver needs cholesterol, which lowers the cholesterol level in the blood. The power tuber also provides valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which have a particularly anti-inflammatory and blood pressure-lowering effect, which in turn reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.


Supportive for intestinal health

As already mentioned, tiger nuts are rich in fiber, which is essential for proper digestion. They are the best food source for "good" intestinal bacteria and keep the intestinal microbiome in balance. The bacteria in our gut are very important because they ferment fiber into butyric acid. Butyric acid shifts the pH value of the intestinal environment into an acidic range, which offers protection against salmonella and other pathogens.

The conclusion is that good and regular digestion with the help of fiber prevents intestinal diseases. Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal ulcers or bowel cancer in particular benefit from the effects of tigernuts, as the body has too few butyric acid-producing bacteria in these conditions.


Valuable supplement for vegans

In a vegan diet, certain micronutrients such as calcium, zinc, iron and vitamin B12 are very difficult to absorb, as these nutrients are mainly found in animal foods. Tigernuts contain a lot of valuable calcium, which is very important for the strength of bones and teeth. The calcium contained in tigernuts can be absorbed particularly well by the body, which is why this superfruit is an excellent source of calcium in a vegan diet.


Lose weight healthily

If you often experience cravings and could eat again an hour after a meal, you have probably eaten too little high-quality protein and complex carbohydrates with a high fiber content for the main course. The body signal "I'm full" only occurs when enough protein and fiber have been consumed. That's why you may still feel hungry after a large portion of spaghetti Napoli, for example, and then often reach for a sweet dessert that doesn't actually fill you up. To successfully shed a few pounds, it is essential to include enough protein and fiber in your diet. This ensures that you feel full after just a small portion and don't experience constant hunger pangs.

Tigernuts have a high fiber content and contain high-quality protein, which is why a daily portion of tigernut flakes can have a positive effect on weight loss. You'll see, a portion of warm tigernut porridge for breakfast will keep you full until lunch and you won't crave a snack😊.

The all-rounder in the kitchen

Tigernuts really deserve the name all-rounder. They can be used in so many different ways in the kitchen and can enhance any dish. In addition to whole tigernuts, you can now also find tigernut flakes, tigernut flour, tigernut oil, tigernut cookies, tigernut potato chips and tigernut purée, especially in health food stores.

The raw tigernuts are ideal as a lightly salted snack, roasted or deep-fried, although they should be soaked in water for at least 4 hours before processing, otherwise they are very hard. The gluten-free flour obtained from the nodules is particularly suitable for desserts such as cookies and cakes. This means that even people with coeliac disease and gluten intolerance don't have to miss out on a delicious cake with a nutty flavor. And whenever a recipe contains almonds or hazelnuts, you can use tigernut flakes or tigernut flour instead. However, if you are using tigernut flour to bake bread, you should combine it with another flour (e.g. amaranth flour, rice flour, oat flour, buckwheat flour) and add xanthan gum or locust bean gum so that it binds nicely.

The naturally sweet tigernut flakes give your muesli that special kick and provide lots of energy. They can be added directly to muesli or smoothies or made into a porridge with a little milk. They are also perfect for refining soups and sauces. Tigernut oil is also very healthy and easy to digest. It harmonizes perfectly in salad dressings, pasta dishes, vegetable stir-fries and desserts. The oil can also be used for frying and deep-frying.  

The well-known drink found on every street corner in Spain, tigernut milk or "horchata de chufa", is a valuable alternative to cow's milk. The refreshing drink is easy to prepare, healthier than cow's milk and enhances any milkshake. You can find a healthy recipe for tigernut milk, without refined sugar, right here.

Horchata de Chufa - Tiger nut milk

I hope I have been able to introduce you to tigernuts in this blog post and show you the versatility of this superfruit. For me, tigernuts really are a superfood and it's hard to imagine life without them, because they provide you with valuable nutrients, keep you full for a long time, taste delicious and give you lots of energy.


To accompany this blog post, I have created super tasty and healthy tigernut, apple and cinnamon cookies that I would like to share with you. You can find the recipe here along. I hope you enjoy trying them out and that you like them as much as I do😊

Tigernut-apple-cinnamon cookies (gluten-free & vegan)

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